We are providing more than logistic services The world is yours .

Because we believe in the importance of promoting trade between Turkey and the world, Al-Zain Company, with its extensive experience and diverse and guaranteed services, puts distinctive Turkish goods in your hands wherever you are around the world.



Your logistic partner to the world For more than 10 years

Al-Zain Company was founded on the principle and slogan of quality and distinguished services. We always look forward to being the best and most important company at the regional level that specializes in transporting goods and importing and exporting products across the world. At Al-Zain Company, we seek to secure all types of shipping, starting from shipping parcels to shipping partial and total containers of all sizes. We also strive to serve all commercial groups, from small earners and electronic stores, to the services of the huge governmental and commercial sectors

Air freight services


Land freight service


Sea freight service

Managing logistics for
global multinational companies

The most popular international freight
that suits your business.

Branches around the world 25+

More than 25 branches around the world

2.9K+ packages delivered by team

An energetic and professional team working around the clock with high efficiency and accuracy is ready to provide you with transportation services

Need a service? Do not hesitate to contact us

Contact our team